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Final Reflection

Transformative learning 1: Social Construction

I have found that because of this class I now think differently about social construction. Before this class I had known about what social construction was but didn’t really know that much about it especially in terms of gender. I have noticed that whenever I’m watching something on tv or looking through social media I am more aware of socially constructed ideas. Because of my growing awareness I am learning more about where these ideas come from and if they have changed over time. When I look back on this class I will definitely remember this idea and the importance of media constructing these ideas.

Transformative learning 2: Routines

Another experience I have learned from is the routine of this class. Throughout the quarter there would be certain assignments that would be given out every week, for example the exploratory writings, that I would get used to doing and found a good routine in finishing them. From these assignments I learned that I really like to have a routine that I can look to to finish assignments or have an order for a “to-do” list. In the future I plan on keeping this in mind when scheduling classes or planning when to do assignments because I will know that I like having things planned out. Looking back at class in the future I will remember the organization and how that helped my organization.

Problem area 1: Multimedia

An area I need to improve on is my ability to communicate effectively through multimedia. Throughout the quarter I found it quite hard to work on my website; I remember the first week of class when I just had to create a page and put it in blog form, I was at my computer for a while trying to figure out how to do that. Besides the beginning issues, I have had trouble creating a good format to properly showcase my work. As of now, my skill isn’t horrible because I did create a working website but it’s not where I think I could be. In the future I can continue working on this skill through PowerPoints that I will work on for different classes that incorporate similar things as this website.

Problem area 2: Reading Accuracy

One of the course objectives was to improve confidence in reading accuracy. Although I think my reading accuracy had improved I don’t think it’s at the level I wish it were. Before this class I found it very difficult to understand written texts and I would find myself rereading a paragraph multiple times to understand half of it. Although I do think I have gotten better from looking through sources for my essay and podcast from this class, my overall reading accuracy of written texts still needs improvement. My confidence in other types of texts has improved a lot because of the podcast examples and films I have watched. In the future I can continue to work on my confidence in reading written texts by reading in my down time because the best way to get better is to practice.

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1 Comment

Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Emmanuel Valencia Ortega
Mar 15, 2021

Hey Abigail, I had the same problem of trying to find out how to use multimedia sites like Wix in the beginning of this class. Im still quite confused how to use it still but I do believe that I have gotten better at using websites like this one. It was an amazing experience working with you this quarter, I hope you have an amazing last quarter!

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